Native or Cross-Platform

Mobile applications have become an integral part of our daily lives. We rely on them for communication, entertainment, and even shopping. With the increasing demand for mobile applications, businesses are in a constant dilemma of whether to develop a native app or go for cross-platform solutions like React Native or Flutter. In this blog post, we will discuss the differences between native mobile apps and cross-platform mobile apps and their advantages and disadvantages.

Native apps have been around for much longer than cross-platform apps and are the most popular type of mobile app. According to Statista, there were 2.9 million Android apps and 2.2 million iOS apps available in the first quarter of 2021. The vast majority of these apps are native, and the app stores are dominated by them.

In contrast, cross-platform apps are a relatively new concept, and there are far fewer of them available in the app stores. However, the market for cross-platform apps is growing rapidly, and many businesses are beginning to see the benefits of this approach.

Native Mobile Apps

A native mobile app is a software application developed for a specific platform like iOS or Android using the platform-specific programming language. iOS applications are developed using Swift or Objective-C, while Android applications are developed using Java or Kotlin. Native apps have access to all the hardware and software features of the device, providing better performance, reliability, and security.

Advantages of Native Mobile Apps

  1. Better Performance: Native apps are developed specifically for a particular platform and can access all the hardware and software resources. This enables them to provide faster and more responsive user experiences.

  2. Better User Experience: Native apps are designed to provide a seamless user experience. They can easily integrate with the device's functionalities like camera, contacts, location, and notifications, which makes them more user-friendly.

  3. Security: Native apps are more secure than cross-platform apps as they are developed using platform-specific tools and programming languages. This makes it difficult for hackers to exploit vulnerabilities.

Disadvantages of Native Mobile Apps

  1. Expensive: Native apps are expensive to develop as they require separate development teams for each platform.

  2. Longer Development Time: Developing a native app takes longer as it requires separate development for each platform.

  3. Maintenance: Maintaining a native app requires more effort and resources as each platform has different release cycles and requires separate updates.

Cross-Platform Mobile Apps

Cross-platform mobile apps are developed using a single codebase that can run on multiple platforms like iOS and Android. React Native and Flutter are two popular frameworks used for developing cross-platform mobile apps.

Advantages of Cross-Platform Mobile Apps

  1. Cost-effective: Cross-platform apps are cost-effective as they require only one development team and a single codebase.

  2. Faster Development Time: Developing a cross-platform app is faster as the development team can use a single codebase for multiple platforms.

  3. Easy Maintenance: Maintaining a cross-platform app is easier as updates can be released simultaneously for all platforms.

Disadvantages of Cross-Platform Mobile Apps

  1. Performance: Cross-platform apps may not provide the same level of performance as native apps as they have to rely on a common codebase that may not be optimized for all platforms.

  2. User Experience: Cross-platform apps may not provide a seamless user experience as they have to use common components that may not be consistent across platforms.

  3. Limited Access to Device Functionalities: Cross-platform apps may not have access to all the hardware and software resources of the device, which may limit their functionality.


Both native and cross-platform mobile apps have their advantages and disadvantages. The choice of the development approach depends on the business requirements, budget, and target audience. If the app requires access to device-specific features or high performance, then native development is the best option. If the app requires a faster time-to-market and cost-effective development, then cross-platform development is the way to go. In the end, the success of the app depends on its functionality, usability, and user experience, regardless of the development approach.


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